Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of water jet looms


The water jet loom is a shuttleless loom that uses a je […]

The water jet loom is a shuttleless loom that uses a jet of water to draw the weft through the shed. Water jet weft insertion has greater frictional traction on the weft than air jet weft insertion, and has less diffusibility, which is suitable for weft insertion of filaments such as synthetic fibers and glass fibers with a smooth surface. At the same time, it can increase the conductivity of synthetic fibers and effectively overcome static electricity in weaving. In addition, jetting the weft yarn consumes less energy and has the lowest noise.

Advantages and disadvantages of water jet looms:

The water jet loom is a kind of high-speed loom commonly used in recent years, but its products are also limited. Many products cannot be produced, but the production efficiency for general interior fabrics is extremely high. The water jet loom needs to be installed and debugged after the new machine is in place. This process requires a certain amount of experience to operate. The parameters in the loom manual are for reference only. The main reason is that the accuracy of the various parts of the loom is affected, which leads to the incomplete coordination of the operation of the various parts. But first, the loom should be adjusted initially according to the specified parameters, and then adjusted according to experience.

The water jet loom is a jet loom, which uses water as the weft insertion medium, and generates frictional traction on the weft through the jet of water, so that the weft on the fixed package is introduced into the shed. Due to the good concentration of water flow, there is no waterproof flow diffusion device on the water jet loom, even in this way, its reed width can reach more than two meters.

The water-jet loom has good water concentrating ability, and the frictional traction of water on the weft yarn is also large, so the weft yarn flying speed and loom speed of the water-jet loom rank first among all kinds of looms. It is more suitable for weaving synthetic fiber, glass fiber and other hydrophobic fiber yarns, so there are limitations in variety. General devices include: jet pump, water droplet sealing and drainage and r